The Soul

Numerology and geometry are directly connected, the triangle must be contemplated in all its dimensions(1d,2d,3d,4d,5d). The point on top(universal first cause, big bang) symbolizes the birth of the second dimension. The lower dimensions are projected at the bottom.   
The pyramid symbolizes the birth of the third dimension. The point on top is the universal first cause(big bang) that gave birth to this plane of existence.The second dimension is projected at the bottom. The birth of the 4th dimension is symbolized by a fourth dimensional triangle projecting a third dimensional object at the bottom. Both the triangle and the number three explain the birth of the universe, and how our soul is connected with these higher dimensions and GOD. The 3rd dimension is a shadow of the 4rd dimension and the 4rd dimension is a shadow of the 5th dimension and so forth. This principle can be applied through every dimension. All matter and energy in the third dimension holds higher dimensional properties. These higher dimensional properties transcend not only the 3rd, 4rd, 5th dimension but all dimensions. GOD is within you. These higher dimensions is how our soul(spirit) connects with GOD. We don't come into the universe, we come out the universe, the same way leaves come out of a tree. Nothing exists outside the universe, if the soul and after life are real, they must exist within the universe. These higher dimensions are the only place that can explain the soul, after life and psychic phenomena. All Psychic Phenomena is tied directly with the soul. Higher dimensional energy is the only place that can explain abilities that trancend time and space such as intuition, clairvoyance and all other psychic phenomena.
The two 3s at the bottom represent the lower dimensions, the mind and body.
The 3 on top represents the soul(spirit, higher dimensional energy).
It's next to the point on top(universal first cause,big bang,Number One, GOD) and inside the pyramid to symbolize how our Soul is what trancends each dimension.
The triangle represents the Trinity between the mind,body and soul. The bottom represents the lower dimension(1d), and the top represents the birth of the second dimension(2d).
The white triangle symbolizes how the Soul is connected with these higher dimensions.
The number three and the triangle represent the birth of not only the second and third dimension but all dimensions.
A Stairway to Heaven.
- Luis Alejandro Urrea Villafuerte 


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